Catalog of Compositions
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Chorale, Arioso and Fugue on "Wachet auf" (organ, small orchestra) Concert Variations for Violin, Piano and Orchestra
Concerto for Contrabass and Orchestra
Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra
Concierto de Los Angeles (organ and orchestra) MSt
Elegy and Dithyramb
Fanfare on 'Wer nur den lieben Gott' (orchestra)
Fantasy on 'Cortege et Litanie' (orchestra)
Gerona (orchestra)
Invocación de los Elementos (2 movements)
Phantasms Psalm Variations
Revelations and Transformations
Symphony #1 (3 movements)
Symphony #4 (3 movements)
Symphony #5 (3 movements)
Symphony #7 - Mythologies
Three Pieces for Orchestra
Variations for Orchestra
Voces Organi (organ 2 players, strings, percussion.)
Chorus and Orchestra
Behold, I Will Make All Things New (SATB, small orchestra) Behold, I Will Make All things New (SATB, large orchestra) Five American Folk Hymns (chorus, orchestra) ECS Jerusalem, Jerusalem
My God, My Portion
Now the Savior
Saw Ye My Savior?
Come, Thou Fount From the Realm of the Sea (8 movements, chorus, orchestra) ECS Jubilate Deo (SATB, small orchestra, revision of 1964 work) The Rossetti Songs (4 movements, chorus, small orchestra) ECS Songs of Eternity (3 movements, chorus, orchestra) ECS
Wind Orchestra Metopes (2 movements)
Symphony #2
Symphony #3 - Guernica
Symphony #6 (3 movements) Symphony #7 - Mythologies (3 movements)
Chorus (unaccompanied) All We Like Sheep (SATB)
Come to Me (Echo) (SATB from Rossetti Songs) ECS I to the Hills (SATB) Psalm 6 (SATB) Psalm 121 (SATB)
Chorus and instrument(s) A Calendar (SA, piano) ECS
Ah, Holy Jesus ( unison chorus, organ) ECS
Bless the Lord (SATB chorus, harp and organ) ECS
Built on the Rock (SATB, brass quartet, organ) ECS
Cćcelia decantabat Domino (SATB, organ)
Christ is Made the Sure Foundation (unison chorus, brass, percussion, organ) ECS
Come Thou Long-expected Jesus (SAB, organ) ECS
Festival Carol (SATB, organ) Aug
Five American Folk Hymns
Saw Ye My Savior? (SATB, organ) ECS
Come, Thou Fount ( SATB, organ) ECS
My God, My Portion (SATB, organ) ECS
Jerusalem, Jerusalem (SATB, organ) ECS
Now the Savior (SATB, organ) ECS
Four Psalms of Isaac Watts (SATB, organ)
From the Realm of the Sea (8 movements, chorus, orchestra) ECS
Go, Therefore, and Make Disciples of Nations (SATB chorus, brass quartet, organ) High in the Heavens (SATB, organ) Hodie Christus natus est (SATB, organ) How Firm a Foundation (SATB, organ) ECS Hymn of Progress (SATB, organ) I Will Extol Thee (SATB, trumpet, organ) In Excelsis Gloria (8 movements, SATB chorus, harp, piano) ECS Jubilate Deo (SATB, organ, 2 trumpets, percussion) Lift Up Your Heart (SATB, trumpet, organ) Missa Regina Coeli (SATB, organ) B&H Pange lingua (unison chorus, organ) The Peace which Passeth Understanding (SATB, organ) ECS Praise to the Spinner (SATB, brass quintet, organ) Aug Psalm 150 (SATB, organ (small setting)) Psalm 150 (SATB, organ, 2 trumpets, percussion) The Rossetti Songs (4 movements, SATB, harp) ECS Sing to the Lord a Joyful Song (SATB, treble chorus, organ) Sing to the Lord of Harvest (SATB, treble chorus, brass, handbells, organ) Aug Sing We Merrily unto God (SATB, organ, trumpets, trombones, percussion) ECS Thy Name is Love (SATB chorus, oboe (or clarinet) and organ) ECS Under the Sun (SATB, organ)
Welcome All Wonders (SATB, organ) ECS
Who is This Who Comes from Far (soprano, organ)
Vocal Solo Libation (soprano, piano 4-hands) O Come and Mourn (alto, organ) Two Songs on Anonymous English Ballads (soprano, piano) I. The Falcon
II. I Sing of a Maiden
Chamber Ensemble
Bacchanale (alto flute, violoncello, harp, percussion)
Brass Quintet #1
Brass Quintet #2
Concert Music for Harpsichord, Flute and String Quartet
Diferencias sobre un tema original (violin, violoncello, piano)
Fantasia (8 violoncellos, 2 contrabasses)
Fantasy #1 (8 cellos, revision of Fantasia, 1972) Fantasy #2 for Eight Cellos Fantasy #3 for Eight Cellos Five Studies for Seven Players (flute, clarinet, violin, viola, violoncello, harp, percussion) Flutissimo (six flutes, bass clarinet) Fugae (guitar, violoncello, alto flute) Il est né (handbells) Partita on Cranham (oboe and organ) ECS
Prelude Modale (handbells) Recitative and Lament (violin, piano)
Three Psalms of David (soprano, string quartet)
Organ Solo
Adagio for Organ
Cranham Variations ECS Deux Danses (Miroir de Meduse, Cercle des Bacchantes) MSt Fanfare on ‘Wer nur den lieben Gött’
Fantasy on ‘Cortege et Litanie’ MSt
Five Variations for Organ
Metopes (I. Arachne's Web; II. The Gift of Nessus) MSt
Three Trios for Organ
Variations on ‘Christ lag in Todesbanden’
Two Organs Chantasy MSt
Psalm Variations (two players, one organ) MSt
Other Instrumental Solo
Fantasy for Harp Solo
Three Pieces for Harp
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